Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Pillow

My crafting hobby has been taken one step further. I have purchased a sewing machine! I have been playing around making some bags and some cloth napkins. And tonight I took the next step and made a  pillow.  It was super easy. Prep work took a while, but once you have your fabric and felt cut to size it goes pretty fast.

Working on the pillow!

My crafting buddy! He loves hanging out with me while I sew or craft. 

Here's the finished pillow. I am really excited how it turned out. Right when Andrew saw it he said, "Ohhh is this my pillow! It is really soft!" I told him this pillow will be going on our new deck which is about half way finished, and his pillow is next. He is getting what is called a sprocket pillow. We went to Joann's and he got to pick out all of his fabric. Can't wait to start our next project together!

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